Walk With Me!

...the moment when Mother Mary is backing off, cannot endure the pain anymore..
for God knows how much the pain she had bore since she said "Yes" to all God's plan.
the moment she wanted to quit and stop, she saw her Son fall to the ground, 
looking exhausted and painful.. carrying the big cross on His shoulder...
despite her sorrow and pain, she hurriedly come to Him and said 
"I am here"
I cry to myself.. experiencing the love she had for Him; despite her heartache,
she choose to stay beside Him and followed in His passion.

And, i really believe when He looks at His mother and said 
"Look mother, I make all things new.."
He is looking at me and instead of talking to His mother, He said to me;
"Walk with me!" 
my heart is in pain, full of regret, 
and instead of feeling sorry to myself.. my soul is crying "Yes!" 

..Yes Lord, if this is Your calling for me, than let it be according to Your will..
I know i am not capable in doing anything that You will consider a good work..
but, by saying "Yes" to all Your will, will be a fresh start for me..
so, continue to lead me God..
May Your spirit in me increase, and i myself will decrease.. 
For there is no greatest love than from the one who is willingly to sacrificed His life to a friend!


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