the POWER that HE GIVES you ..

Kemudian ketujuh puluh murid itu kembali dengan gembira dan berkata: "Tuhan, juga setan-setan takluk kepada kami DEMI NAMA-MU." Lalu kata Yesus kepada mereka: "Aku melihat IBLIS JATUH SEPERTI KILAT dari langit. Sesungguhnya Aku telah memberikan KUASA kepada kamu untuk MENGINJAK ular dan kalajengking dan kuasa untuk MENAHAN KEKUATAN MUSUH, sehingga TIDAK ADA yang akan MEMBAHAYAKAN kamu. Namun demikian JANGANLAH BERSUKACITA KARENA ROH-ROH ITU TAKLUK KEPADAMU, TETAPI BERSUKACITALAH KARENA NAMAMU ADA TERDAFTAR DI SORGA." ~Lukas 10:17-20~

> The WORD is enough to give you a reason for rejoicing and be thankful .. The LORD is good all the time .. this is my new life in Him and with Him .. nothing shall i fear, for The LORD is here with me .. there's no time for despair or lead a meaningless life .. GOD IS WITH US .. HE IS OUR STRONGHOLD .. what else you need .. He is the PROVIDER and He gave you HIS PEACE .. be joy in turbulence, keep faithful, never cease praying .. HE WILL BE WITH US UNTIL THE END OF TIME, NEVER LOSE HOPE.. THIS IS THE GOOD NEWS <


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