Life in The Spirit Seminar [25-27 May 2012]

Just some sharing from the seminar that i attended recently.. it was my second seminar as a participant.. i attended my first one in 2007. I am glad and also very grateful that God always led my hand through and through this hard years.. after the seminar, i attend my first inner healing seminar and continuous until now. For some years i served in charismatic group just doing some small services but something in my heart felt like this is not what i want. I need something else and i know that only God can complete me it just that i don't know how. I began to limited my services in church, i only attend group meeting which are compulsory for me.

So i started to join other seminar held by the Carmelites Sister.. when i enter their chapel my heart burst out in happiness and grateful feeling. I cried and realize THIS is what i wanted so much. To be alone in silence with God. I just want to be where i can feel the presence of The Lord. After going back from the seminar, i felt the emptiness again. I cannot force myself to lead a prayerful life. I wanted to pray, but my flesh is not cooperating. My mind and heart become numbed. I can feel the numbness.. my spirit trying so hard to reach out my Lord, but my physical is just too tired or heavy.

One week before this seminar being held, i do not give so much thinking about it. My plan is to attend the Malay Language seminar.. the same seminar held in Bahasa Malaysia conducted by my prayer meeting team. Since i did not attend the novena i think i should just be a participant then. But then i don't know what happened, on Friday, i ask my colleague about the time of registration for this English seminar. I ended up attending this LITSS.. ^^. But, hey i am grateful and i know even though i did not ask the Lord what exactly my problem, He knows what i need the most and i am sure that this is the answer of all my question about Him and about His love to me. Thank you LORD.

I feel a new life inside me after attending the seminar. I know for sure that there is nothing wrong about me. Before this, i always blame myself for being so arrogance and hot headed. Easily to anger and full of suspicion towards others.. all the 7 deadly sin is inside me!! I feel so wrong, how can i serve others when all this is inside me. I am unholy vessels for God's work. I am very grateful for God calling me to attend this seminar. I feel so relieve and peace again. I feel more gentle towards others especially my husband. My mind is at peace now, i can smile and cry because i can sense the work of the Holy Spirit in my life, every second in every breath that i take. 

I want to share one of my greatest moment and i think it is my turning point from the whole session. The inner healing session; before i married my husband, i had a couple..long-time relationship since school.. recently he sent a short message to me, then i replied.. it continued for one week i guess.. i did not have any feeling towards him, but then i just followed my heart.. just to waste time besides i feel it was good to have a romantic chit-chat with him ..^^ . Now, in the inner healing session, The Lord bring me back to the moment when i chit-chat with him and write so many things that could hurt my loving husband. Even i thought that it was nothing at all.. but Jesus said to me "You're taking your marriage vows in front of Me and now you do the frauds toward the guy in front of Me." .. it was not a coincident that the session took place in the Cathedral that we have married .. it IS God plans to renew and heal me. Thank you Lord Jesus.. i LOVE You and i am truly SORRY for hurting You.

And now, i can have a good new life with my Lord.. because i truly believe His Holy Spirit will continue to guide and counsel me in every aspect of my life.  In this seminar also, i know how to handle myself.. i just have to SURRENDER and leave all things in HIS mighty HAND. From the seminar, i TRULY found the purpose of my life.. before this i know about God through reading and serving but after experiencing Him in a proper way, i KNOW His love towards mankind will never end, until His second coming. Praise The LORD, JESUS CHRIST. 

Thank YOU ABBA, the ALMIGHTY FATHER, Thank YOU JESUS CHRIST, my LORD, and Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT the PARACLETE. Thank you Mother Mary, all the angels and saints. GLORY BE TO GOD!! AMEN.


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