..The WOUNDED Jesus..

Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children..”
~Luke 23:28~

Date 4th September 2017, we're receiving sad news when our beloved priest Rev Fr. Fundes Motiung has gone back to the Lord... May his soul rest in peace and let the perpetual light shine upon him. There are so many reasons we can make but still, the hour of our life is not for us to set.

Recently, I’ve been told about many sick people, some I recognize and some are not. Among the news are the sick priests and religious sisters, so many of them are sick or dying. Nothing much I can do just pray for them. I feel sorry for them and some tears fall for their burden. 

I am experiencing something touching my heart when the news I received is happened to one of my parish priest. Before I heard and now I see with my own eyes. What the difference between those senses when the point is my brain processing the same information, so what the difference? 

My priest was involved in an accident and has been hospitalized for several days. I have the chance to visit him. When I met him I’m holding my tears from flowing in front of him, I just shook and kiss his hand. He is lying with his legs wounded and smiles as always. Within those smile I see Jesus smiling. 

Suddenly I realize that day was Fr. Sunny is my wounded Jesus!!! He is my sorrowful Jesus; He is my weakling Jesus… on that day I really met my Jesus.

Jesus is really live in each one of us. He is there in most significance moment. When you’re sick, healthy, sad, happy, poor, rich ..etc, He is there with you. 

Today many of my priest is slowly dying because of illnesses, however there are still priest whom dying because of sin because Jesus said “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23. It is nothing new or bizarre, the world has seen it before ..when Judas betrayed my Jesus with a kiss.. so, do not be scared, trust in Him always and PRAY FOR PRIEST AND RELIGIOUS in our daily prayer.

God bless all...


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