Watch Over Me by Aaron Shust

I was lonely, You came waltzing over to me, and Your eyes they saw right through me, and You heard each one of my cries for help, and You came to rescue me. I was broken, every prayer that I had spoken reached Your ear and all my tears weren't cried in vain. You carried all my pain, and You put me back together again. You watch over me, in the darkest valley, You watch over me, when the night seems long, You help me to see, the way before me, You watch over me..You watch over me. Always faithful, to be leading at this moment, interceding for Your children, though i've wondered astray, from Your infinite ways, You've never left me alone. Take this frozen heart, awaken me! Never once have You forsaken me! Even though i walk through this shadow of death, You will guide and defend me, You guard and protect me, You will lead me... You will lead me!
[Dear God, You always lead me each day to realize it and treasure what You have given me through my everyday life. Lord, thank YOU for saving me. Though You are not of many people think who You are..because You really are...MATCHLESS! Thank YOU Lord for loving and giving so much mercy towards me. I praise Your name on HIGH... Alleluia!]