With Jesus...There is always HOPE!

I've been thinking, how much God has blessed me with lot's of thing..financially, family, friends, love...everything! Now i realize, God has answer all my prayers even when i still living my old life...life without God, life with many world's obsession, the life i thought full of happiness and joy...and hope....but then when i looked back, i know i'm totally wrong..i am totally mislead by the obsession...
I had never thanks, praised, or even being gratitued for what He had done to my life. He called my name everytime, every second, i breathe His own air but still i'm just blind to notice His Great love for me...
Then one fine day, i finally answered His called, but surely not in my own awareness but a gift from Him. He open up my heart, He softened my heart, He makes my eyes to see how great His love for me...how great His plan for me... i thanks Lord for what He did and all this is because of JESUS!!!

"Kerana begitu besar kasih Allah akan dunia ini, sehingga Ia telah mengaruniakan AnakNya yang tunggal, supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepadaNya tidak binasa, melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal." Yohanes 3:16 [John 3:16]

God Bless! by:o) Lovely-Mary-Elisa


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