..SAMAR ~ blurry SIGHT o.O

Kerana sekarang kita melihat dalam cermin suatu gambaran yang samar-samar, tetapi nanti kita akan melihat muka dengan muka. Sekarang aku hanya mengenal dengan tidak sempurna, tetapi nanti aku akan mengenal dengan sempurna, seperti aku sendiri dikenal. 
~ 1 Korintus 13:12 ~
I praise Lord Jesus for giving these final opportunity to jot down something in my blog.. ^^ and i praise Him too for eventually i began to learn something useful for my soul.. ha~ha .. i agree that sometime we don't know what we don't know... we have to run some test, trial and error in order to know what secret thought God have for us.. God is great ^^

I really thank God for He had granted me the ability to feel so much about Him.. it is His grace that whenever He wants, i can feel His presence.. and I really love God and thankful for because of His love that i can feel it.

Others might think that I am too emotional in order to show my feeling towards God. I want to ask people like this, when someone whom are so great willing to gave you the opportunity to feel Him personally, wont you feel like crying? you are unworthy and yet He introduce Himself to you personally. How will you react? .. ^^ ..

All the time i had been praying in tongue. I don't know the meaning of my prayer, but i can feel the goodness of asking for others.. i don't understand my speech but i believe that the Holy Spirit is working through me to intercede prayer for others.

It happened when i attend general community gathering in my parish. At the time of praising and worshiping i usually can feel the presence of the Lord.. i put my main focus on Lord Jesus... amazingly that night i can feel He's talking to me. 
All that you can see now is mere nothing.. none is true.. though it happen in front of your naked eyes, those are not true.. the evil thing, the sadness, all the bad things that happened is actually never happen to the soul.. only Jesus is the real thing. Keep focusing on the Lord.
I feel very relieve for the thoughts.  I know that God is telling me not to be afraid and give up. Thing that happened recently is the things that should be done, it must happened so that the story of our life continue as what God has planned. Things that we face today is never affected the holy souls that being martyred. They all are being taken away to heaven..

So, the lesson i have learned that night is; There are so many things happen which our mind could not understand and comprehend, let it be because God is already there... at the FINISH LINE waiting for us.


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