Singa yang mengaum...
Sadarlah dan berjaga-jagalah! Lawanmu, si Iblis, berjalan keliling sama seperti singa yang mengaum-aum dan mencari orang yang dapat ditelannya. (1Ptr 5:8) ..sepanjang hari singa-singa itu mengaum.. Berteriak-teriak di dekatku... Memenuhi ruang akal dan hatiku... ..little that I know, it is the devil trying to take away my peaceful moment with God.. All these time I feel like I'm too bad for God.. That I'm no God n unworthy to God because of all the bad thoughts of others.. I feel I'm too judgemental, hypocrite to others. I feel so bad for myself that no matter how hard I tried, I'm still not worthy for God.. Recently that God made me realize, the awful thought was not exactly from me.. It comes from the devil.. Trying to make me feel bad about myself that I'm not worthy for God.. God in the other hand will always trying to convince me that He loves me very much.. Yes, I believe.. Because no one dies for my sins except Him. God I love you and grateful for You...