Father, please FORGIVE them [Lenten Retreat Reflection]

As His hand and feet being nailed to the cross, despite His agony and the painful moment; He cried
"Abba, forgive them.. for they do not know, what they are doing." He continued cried it out loud
I cannot hold my tears and the feeling in my heart was so intense that i could scream 

The sound of His prayer was touching my heart to my soul.. even deeper..

When He said [to Dismas] ;
"Amen, I say to you that even now you will be with Me in paradise!" .. and SMILE .. i realize, what actually makes You very happy.. and for some reason, you ARE happy and all the loving sacrifices feeling worth at that special moment.. [that moment is when Your thirst has been satisfied.. thirst to be thirsted] 

O My good LORD, how can i make you happy when all my doing is just so evil .. i am a sinful being .. yet, You don't ask for a big and super sacrifice from me. 
Teach me O Lord, how to satisfy Your hunger and thirst .. 

Jesus Christ, You are my Lord and my God,
Have mercy on me and my family..
Heal us and save us with Your mighty love and mercy.


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